The purpose of natural referencing, commonly known as SEO (Search Engine Optimisation), is to increase the natural or organic (non-paid) traffic to a website.
It aims to improve a site's visibility on search engines such as Google.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
The purpose of natural referencing, commonly known as SEO (Search Engine Optimisation), is to increase the natural or organic (non-paid) traffic to a website.


The ultimate goal is to optimise the site’s structure, performance and content, make available specific files, increase the frequency of updates, etc.

Site performance (page load time) and content optimisation (keywords, titles, content, rich snippets, etc.), usability, click-through rate (CTR), popularity, evaluation of your domain names and URLs, need to develop landing pages, presence on social networks, etc. are all points that we appraise during an SEO audit (SEO Test, SEO analysis).


Search Engine Advertising (SEA)
SEA (Search Engine Advertising) is the paid part of search engine optimisation. More targeted thanks to a smart choice of keywords, this is one of the best ways of getting to the top of a search engine ranking and therefore generating more traffic.

In practical terms, SEA allows you to place paid advertisements in the sections reserved for this purpose. Its advantages include good positioning, fairly precise targeting and the possibility of real-time analysis.

At Spike, we juggle the highly complementary fields of SEO and SEA. The two can be used separately, but their combined striking power delivers tenfold results.

Today, any marketer worth their salt will exploit these two levers. Once the strategy has been defined, SEA can be rolled out quickly. SEO, on the contrary, takes longer. And yes, you’re right, Google doesn’t charge anything for SEO 😉.

Have you already had your site analysed? If not, the best place to start is with an SEO audit. This usually throws up some nice little surprises and, above all, some great opportunities.

Depending on the strategy, we will come up with an SEO optimisation and a SEA campaign.