
Retargeting is one of the key tools of digital marketing. This simple technique allows you to promote your products and services to people who have already shown an interest in your brand. In practical terms, an Internet user who visits your website and leaves without buying will later see one of your adverts, encouraging them to return to the site (and buy).

People who leave your site without paying do not do so only because they’re not interested. We tend to leave a site because we’re distracted by something else, because we have to go somewhere, because we’re at the beginning of our buying process, etc.

At Spike, we have a soft spot for retargeting because it’s less intrusive than some other digital techniques, given that the person is already familiar with your brand and has shown some interest by visiting your website.

There are four ways of retargeting Internet users:

  • Via display banners (ads on third-party sites)
  • Via social networks
  • Via Google Ads
  • Via e-mailing

If you have an e-shop, we wouldn’t be surprised if over 90% of your visitors leave without buying. Imagine if you could convert a few of these… Give us a call and we’ll explain in detail how a retargeting campaign works.