
Market research is carried out throughout the life journey of a brand, product or service. Its survival and development depend on it. These studies enable you to enter a market impeccably prepared, to develop your brand, product or service and to take market shares away from your competitors.

At Spike, we have three research hubs:

  • Product research
  • Market research
  • Promotional research

Product research involves looking at ways of developing a product, extending the range or creating a service. We call on our creative talent while validating each concept beforehand at a strategic level.

Market research covers many points and analyses:

  • The competition
  • The demographic aspect
  • The psychographic aspect
  • Volumes
  • The segments
  • The product mix
  • The nature of the purchasing decision

Promotional research gives us a clear image of a brand, product or service. We do this at Spike by assessing perception, general communication and impact, and launching barometers. This flurry of information enables us to take a critical look at the business and identify opportunities for growth or improvement.

Do you need information to confirm or contradict your gut feelings? You need to extend your range but don’t know where to start?

Curious to know more about what your competitors are doing? Leave this to our creative teams and our strategists who specialise in the above-mentioned studies.