Pay per click

An advertiser’s dream. PPC marketing could accurately be described as follows: you create an advertisement and you only pay for those interested enough to click on it. So you pay for every click. Someone sees your advert, isn’t interested and moves on? You pay nothing! It’s as if, in the world of television, the control room counted all the people who, during the advertising break, have gone to the toilet, to the kitchen to get a glass of water, are on their smartphone and don’t see your ad, and even all those who do see it but aren’t interested.

The PPC was therefore a small revolution which, since its inception, has continued to prove its worth.

At Spike, PPC advertising is part of our daily routine. Placing adverts on search engines (led by Google), social networks and third-party websites is one of the most effective ways of achieving many marketing objectives.

The best thing about these ads is that we can see their results in real time, or almost real time, adjust our aim and analyse the new changes. The amount of information gathered is simply staggering.

PPC has the advantage of being suitable for all budgets. We can therefore launch your next campaign for a reasonable amount to “test” PPC (or rather win you over, because we know that the results are very, very, very good!) and analyse the added value it can bring to your media mix.

For your next campaign, think of us, even if your budget is tight. We’ll show you why PPC is an advertiser’s dream.