
Advertising on smartphones and tablets makes it possible to distribute content created specifically for these devices and to take advantage of their specific features (size, interactivity, geolocation, etc.) to increase their appeal. From contextualised and geolocalised messages to the creation of mobile-friendly content, Spike is a specialist in this field. With technology constantly evolving, new strategies are regularly being developed to reach consumers. At Spike, it goes without saying that our mobile advertising experts are tracking developments very closely to offer you the best solutions.

Here’s an overview of the current possibilities:

  • SEO/SEA set up for mobile
  • Display advertising that is displayed on a large number of sites according to precise targeting
  • Video advertising on all social networks (YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, etc.)
  • Advertising in apps and games
  • Native advertising that integrates seamlessly with the content of the site or social network

These days, it’s almost impossible for a brand to communicate without using mobile phones. Gone are the days when only brands targeting young people ventured into this area!

So can your brand survive without mobile? Let’s talk about it over a coffee, by telephone or video conference (via smartphone, of course).