Media plan

A media plan is a timeline listing all the advertising campaigns that a brand will launch over a given period. This plan puts the flesh on the bones of the strategy that has been put in place and shows schematically where and when the advertising campaigns will appear. This plan generally contains:

  • The start and end dates of each campaign
  • Media (TV, press, radio, social networks, activation, etc.)
  • The agency/partner
  • The type of campaign

This media plan is drawn up once the media strategy has been clearly defined. At Spike, we take care of both strategy and media planning, both of which are necessary these days. Back in the day, a brand could simply run a TV and daily press campaign, but nowadays you have to be much more present to be seen and remembered. Just think of the sheer number of social networks! Few companies can afford not to communicate on social networks (organic or paid).

In such a complex landscape, you need to remain consistent, choose the right communication media and manage the budget astutely. That comes with experience, and we have oodles of that at Spike.

Let us make you a proposal for your next media plan. There’s probably one medium you haven’t yet thought of…