
Dive into the heart of our retail agency

We are a 12-strong team. Twelve passionate cogs in the wheels of a well-oiled agency. This number, which symbolises the combined strength of each of our individual disciplines, gives us exceptional agility. It enables us to support brands of all sizes, whether small or large, ambitious or prudent, at the point of sale or on the social networks.

our team
Alexis Tinel

Alexis Tinel

/ Managing Director

Benoît Vancauwenberghe

Benoît Vancauwenberghe

/ Strategic Director

Didier Aerlebout

Didier Aerlebout

/ Strategic & Creative Director

Muriel Sporgitas

Muriel Sporgitas

/ Account Manager

Carole Daems

Carole Daems

/ Account Manager

Hélène Léonard

Hélène Léonard

/ Account Executive

Gaëlle Daoudal

Gaëlle Daoudal

/ Creative Director

Geoffroi Vertongen

Geoffroi Vertongen

/ Digital Expert

Jennyvie Biyo

Jennyvie Biyo

/ Creative Designer

Pascal Raes

Pascal Raes

/ Graphic Designer

Louise Genot

Louise Genot

/ Graphic Designer

Cindy Forthomme

Cindy Forthomme

/ Creative Designer