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Tell us about the challenges you are up against and we'll tell you what services offer the best solution. Our expertise covers many areas, but when it comes to understanding our clients’ regulatory issues, we are unrivalled. Our team dedicates the necessary time to legislative monitoring and is constantly on the alert to react promptly to new regulations, removing any obstacles to the success of your projects.

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Lead Generation


Advertising is the tip of the iceberg, the part that the public, and therefore consumers, see. Advertising has the capacity to make people laugh or cry, to bring out their anger or rebellious streak.

When the strategy behind a campaign is clear and well construed, advertising in any form can move mountains and boost your brand awareness and sales. At Spike, we like nothing better than translating a strategy and briefing into an effective campaign. We mix and match the different touch points so that each element helps trigger the purchase.

Our clients all share the same retail challenges: strict legislation, ever tighter margins and competition desperate to grab yet another slice of the market share. Our ability to understand their needs and help them overcome these challenges spur them on to opt for Spike as their trusted retail agency.

By working with us, you’ll benefit from our experience in the retail industry, as well as our expertise in communications and marketing. If you’re looking for a reliable partner who speaks your language and can help you achieve your business goals, Spike is your go-to retail advertising agency.

Marketing is the tip of the iceberg, the part the public can’t see. And yet it remains a key factor in the life of a company and its brands. Using research, surveys, analysis, data, vision and plans, it helps steer the purchasing process and secure market shares. At Spike, each of our client briefings starts with the same two questions:

Who is the end consumer?

Where is our message most likely to hit home?

With the retail sector under constant pressure, ultra-targeted and ultra-relevant communications are essential to avoid being drowned out by the increasingly fierce competition.

Our clients pick us because we get straight to the point and speak the same retail language as they do. If your business is in this highly competitive sector and you’re on the lookout for a partner who can deep dive, analyse and understand your consumers and prospects, Spike sounds like the agency for you.

The magic of lead generation is that it bounces off the action of an interested prospect to offer them our service or product. This is a far cry from cold calling, where you have a 99% chance of disturbing the person and offering them something they have absolutely no interest in. By developing a specific communication plan, we can arouse consumer interest and focus only on those who have responded. Efforts are therefore precisely channelled, significantly increasing the conversion rate.

At Spike, we juggle all lead generation techniques. Depending on our client’s sector and positioning, we come up with relevant and tried-and-tested ideas. Not just empty talk, but concrete results! If, like our clients, you want to concentrate your efforts and maximise conversions, you’ve come to the right place. Make an appointment and let’s see if we can put our heads together to create a win-win situation.

Beauty may be in the eye of the beholder, but the fact is that some people have better taste than others. And we’ve recruited some of these people at Spike.

That being said, to sell, you need more than just pretty packaging; to build trust, you need more than just a pretty logo; and to be appreciated, you need more than just a pretty website. That’s why each visual creation is the result of a brainstorming about the client’s particular context and sector and the competition it faces. Our projects are never superficial. Design is the icing on the cake.

At Spike, we create clear packaging, with hierarchical information and attractive graphics. Then we tweak it to make it totally irresistible. The same goes for graphic charters and logo designs. We focus on the message to be conveyed, the objectives to be achieved and then, with a wave of our designer’s magic wand, we transform it all into a strong graphic charter. Websites and mobile applications get the same treatment. There’s nothing graphic about the strategic foundations, the bare skeleton is austere, but the magic works as soon as a designer gets hold of the project.

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