
Webinars may have kept a low profile prior to 2021, but the health crisis brought them to the fore, along with videoconferencing. Because they can’t meet in person, many companies and freelancers (coaches, for example) have adopted this American custom.

Webinars have many advantages over traditional face-to-face conferences. These include:

  • No geographical constraints
  • Large or unlimited number of participants (depending on the platform and price plan )
  • Budget (no travel, no room hire, no catering, etc.)
  • Workers who are more available (they don’t have to travel)
  • Replay available at no extra cost (no equipment hire or editing costs)
  • Public participation (surveys, real-time questions, contributions, etc.)

At Spike, we know that, in addition to these advantages, webinars can play an effective role in a marketing plan: lead generation, lead nurturing, advice, product demos, building customer loyalty, etc. All this obviously needs to be defined in a well thought-out marketing plan and should not be taken lightly.

You have a product to present, a digital solution, your company is dealing with an issue that is important to your customers, you need to train your employees, you are recruiting, etc? There are many reasons why we would recommend launching a webinar. Sometimes they can be a bit bizarre, but their effectiveness shouldn’t be underestimated.