Although UX doesn’t apply solely to the digital world – unlike UI – we will nevertheless focus exclusively on this part, which we have nailed down to a T.

As the name implies, the aim of User Experience design is to optimise the user experience, i.e. to ensure that when you browse a website or open a smartphone application, for example, they are instantly intuitive, responsive, fluid, organised and easy to understand. This makes for a pleasant, instinctive user experience.

User Interface design sets out to improve the user’s interaction with the site or app. UI is integrated into UX and focuses specifically on visuals, interactivity and intuitiveness. In concrete terms, a UI designer will choose the icons and buttons, the typography, the colours, the photos and illustrations, and so on.

At Spike, our UX and UI designers keep their finger on the pulse of the latest trends and technical developments to ensure that our sites and apps pack as much of a punch as possible. They have long since abandoned the quest for the holy grail of an original site at any price, which blurs the codes and confuses Internet users in the name of creativity and design. Our aim today is to create an effective site and then make it as beautiful and attractive as possible.

Keen to optimise your website? Need to create a simple site for a competition or promotion? In the run-up to the launch of a smartphone application? Let our designers take a closer look. You’ll be surprised by some of the UI and UX do’s and don’ts that have been revealed by scientific studies…