Marketing plan

The marketing plan is a company’s roadmap, containing the marketing actions to be carried out in order to achieve the commercial objectives set for a given period.

The most common plans are the annual marketing plan and the launch plan (product/service/brand). An effective marketing plan helps you to understand your target market and your competition, the impact of your marketing decisions and the results you expect.

It varies according to the sector, the type of product or service, and the objectives to be achieved. However, it will generally always contain this information:

  • Description of the activity
  • Analysis of the situation and context
  • Marketing and sales objectives
  • Target
  • USP
  • Budget
  • Monitoring and assessment

At Spike, we work mainly on launch marketing plans. We are here to make these plans as effective and realistic as possible. Whether it’s launching the preparatory market research, interpreting the data collected, analysing competitor communications (benchmarking), guiding or validating marketing objectives, studying the target, formulating a USP or setting up an objective monitoring and validation system, we can supply our input for specific parts or work on the entire plan.

Are you gearing up to launch a revolutionary product or service? Let’s take a look at your marketing plan and how we can make it even more solid.