/ Ecopack
SPA bag-in-box, eco-responsibility takes off at SPA®
Today, bottled water's main competitor is water... from the tap. Fountains, filters, carbonation machines, water bottles, the trend is to encourage consumers to use tap water.
The purity of SPA® water in an environmentally-friendly, low-cost package
In essence, natural mineral waters are infinitely more natural than tap water. Against a backdrop of global warming and a desire to support sustainable development, how can we offer consumers an alternative to tap water?
Following seminars on eco-design organised by SPIKE at Spadel®, a number of bottle prototypes were designed, comparing the environmental impact of each one. Among the projects selected, the idea of packaging SPA® water in a bag-in-box emerged as a no-brainer. Spike was tasked with the graphic and technical development of the project.
Pour rendre ce nouvel emballage plus accessible, l’agence a également conçu un meuble modulable permettant d’utiliser le bag-in-box en libre service pour les espaces coworking ou pour l’Horeca. Le support fabriqué à partir de matériaux recyclables, est décliné en deux versions : en support de table pour les buffets et en fontaine pour les bureaux et autres espaces collectifs.
A success story for Spadel and Spike!