/ National Campaign

Le TEC is going places!

Public transport company Le Tec tasked Spike with developing a national normalisation campaign, encouraging a back to business approach after the Covid crisis. The timing was tight, but the deadline was met!

A national campaign for users and employees!

With its tagline “On va de l’avant” (We’re going places), Le Tec is sending out a dual message. On the one hand, the aim is to “get back to business”, encouraging users to return to pre-Covid habits, while continuing to comply with regulatory health measures, and on the other hand to develop an innovative, forward-looking vision for its employees.


From the creation of the visual identity to the urban signage, from the communication material to the video shoots and radio recordings, no effort was spared to ensure that the campaign was “on air” in less than 4 weeks.

For users.
Application of the concept via several offline and online communication channels.The aim was to spread the message across the various media to capture the customer’s attention as effectively as possible.

For employees.
Development of the message for the teams in the form of an internal poster campaign, informative flyer, screen animations, Tec management representatives speaking in thank-you videos.

The return to normality went smoothly, and the good habits were resumed with a smile :).
Everyone has responded positively to the health recommendations and adopted the new practices. In record time, Le TEC gave itself a real re-boot campaign and polished up its image among users and staff.