
 / Extra®

My Extra Me Time concept

Kellogg's® brief was to bring its Extra® product line back centre stage on the Belgian market with a brand activation that would connect different offline and online communication channels.

Women, we all need Me Time !

Kellogg’s® Extra® is a delicious breakfast product that comes in a wide range of flavours. Spike therefore naturally targeted consumers who are looking to tantalise their taste buds as soon as they get up. The concept was to associate the Extra® brand with “Me time”, specifically targeting women and the precious time-out they get to relax during the day.

Gourmet breakfast boxes delivered to the door of your followers!

The agency developed point-of-sale print material and press advertisements. It also ran a digital campaign with two female influencers, who each gave away a superb Kellogg’s® Extra® breakfast box to 10 of their subscribers so that they could all enjoy a delicious Kellogg’s® Extra® “Me time” moment! A runaway success for the brand!